Konnect Community
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Konnect community is classified in board shape by various classification standard every local and global user can participate and communicate with each other. At the beginning of Konnect project, there is each country’s community board and eventually will be localized in specific categories. Each community will be regrouped based on KYC (Know your customer) and purchased NFT information and etc., except worldwide community board. In other words, our users will be qualified to participate in other communities by several conditions like their membership, purchased products, region and etc.
Konnect community is the open place that diverse users freely talk their opinion in KCT ecosystem, at the same time, and the space that enables global P2P transaction. The user who purchased goods on e-commerce platform has held its own NFT, and can trade with other community user by proving it. Further, we offer the fulfillment service of safe intercontinental delivery. Konnect community begins with a communication channel between user groups, and is the expandable platform that will be a global version of P2P transaction platform like South Korea’s Dangen Market.