Benefits of Konnect Membership
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The members who obtain KCT membership level can enjoy various benefits. The benefits are offered all over the on-line and off line by Konnect membership level. The members can get offered various goods on-line related to B2B infrastructure and get offered discounts and rewards off line when purchasing goods at a shop or using services. They can enjoy various benefits in extensive fields, accommodation, airline, medical service and etc. besides shopping premium goods.
Besides powerful benefits of purchasing goods and services on Konnect e-commerce, KCT membership users can get more powerful benefits. Additional benefits will be added in accordance with the function extension of Konnect ecosystem and the growth of our member- ship users, and existing benefits will be supplemented more convenient.
The raffle ticket for hot deal or the chance to purchase the limited edition is offered by membership level. Hot deal proceeds a random lottery on the number of all registered tickets as parameters, the more raffle tickets, the more chances to win. The users maintaining on a higher level can obtain the chance to buy the limited edition periodically.
When minting PFP NFT or buying mystery box, the probability for a higher level than a given level is raised. If it is exchangeable to real luxury goods, actual level is raised and if it is PFP NFT, much rare parts are equipped. The higher level, the higher probability is granted for up . Members can enjoy constant benefits on NFT marketplace.
KCT membership users get offered a staking reward by KCT token. The reward is allocated in the reserve pool of Konnect ecosystem, and distribute the members who contribute to the extension of ecosystem. The reward can be claimed every 7 days, and it is transferred when the claim is completed.
The reward in proportion with payment amount is given by KCT token when the payment is completed on line and off line of Konnect. This is the separate benefit from the staking reward in maintenance period of membership so members can get a reward each time a transaction is completed. The higher membership level, the more reward is offered.