Token Economy
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KCT is the membership token and has designed as the mechanism for constantly improving the value of itself through securing various uses. This is the core consideration of economy system at the launching and stabilization of our KCT membership, furthermore, we will reserve much more functionality in accordance with the extension of KCT ecosystem, and then eventually achieve a high value mechanism. The core elements for the rise of KCT token valuation in this white paper are as below.
KCT foundation will quarterly or monthly use 1% of total sales after the launching of e-commerce platform for purchasing KCT token in market and burning them permanently. As users flow into our e-commerce, number of transaction increases. As our membership users increase by staking, the amount of KCT in circulation decrease, then its scarcity increase. As a result, these may work as trigger of KCT value rise.
The Konnect platform continues to hava a variety of partnerships in the area of membership benefits to revitalize and expand the Konnect ecosystem. Through continuous partnerships, Konnect diversifies the composition of benefits to increase new members within the platform and increase liquidity by facilitating activation.
We can reduce amount of circulation by minimum requirement (KCT staking by level) for signing up KCT membership. The key of KCT membership reserves KCT membership holders as much as possible by offering the powerful discount benefits through using existing B2B infrastructure. As the benefits for KCT membership is powerful, if more users will buy tokens to sign up for our KCT membership and tokens are lock up by staking, as a result, amount of circulation will be reduced, then we can eventually increase the value of KCT token.